Texas State Representative Josey Garcia, Steven Price of The V.O.I.C.E.S. of Our Veterans, and Tony Farrell of PanamaVeterans.org, all Veterans who were stationed in the Canal Zone, performed a briefing for U.S. Congressman Tony Gonzales on Memorial Day 2024.
Images of the slide deck follow, with some captions condensed due to space constraints. The Congressman received all of the information up through the toxic herbicides and pesticides. Though our time was cut short, he heard and saw our data on the most commonly encountered exposures.
Good morning, everyone. I’m Tony.
I was stationed on the north coast of the Canal Zone in the early 1990s. Today I have several health issues which may all be traced back to toxic exposures. I started PanamaVeterans.org chiefly to support federal legislation to correct an injustice to those of us sent to serve in the Canal Zone – mostly, the people I served with.
I connected with Mr. Price of th
Service or employment in the Canal Zone is known to have conferred or aggravated illnesses connected to toxic exposure. The VA and DoD have important roles in the process. VA depends on DoD to provide them information about these matters. The VA cannot compel the DoD to provide anything. The DoD is unwilling or unable to provide the VA with definitive information. Both have been criticized for fa
Next, we’ll discuss the chemical, biological, and even nuclear hazards that were introduced into the Canal Zone environment.
The majority of this portion of the brief will focus on the first two topics, because they’re the most widely encountered.
The most infamous toxic herbicide probably we all know is called “Agent Orange.” But there were others, collectively known as “rainbow herbicides” for the different colored stripes around their barrels. Agents Orange and Purple were both comprised of two compounds: 2,4-D, which was created in 1942; and 2,4,5-T, in 1944.
When 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T are combined, they create TCDD, a deadly toxin. Age
Representative Garcia's recollection of life in the Canal Zone was absolutely spot on. She took me straight back to when I first landed at Howard AFB and the humid, hot isthmus air smacked me across the face. I recall wondering just what I'd gotten into. I hadn't thought about that in years and years -- but Ms. Garcia's empassioned plea to Congressman Gonzales flooded my mind and my heart with such recollections.
Ms. Smith is a member of Congressman Gonzales' team. She is an amazing person, gifted with bountiful positivity and energy. I can't thank her enough for arranging the briefing and allowing me to be part of it.
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